First, Gracie asked me to draw some infernal creature whose name escapes me. It sounded from the name like a large dragon, so I started in the T-Rex theme and added spikes and fire breath for dragony-ness.

Gracie was delighted with the drawing, but unfortunately, not delighted to no end, since she next asked me to draw some other something from -- what was the name of the show again, and is it really considered educational television?? This time, I struggled a little more, and tried to make something from Land Before Time except ferocious-looking, thusly the jagged teeth. She said it looked like Charlie, the alligator from the insanely cute show Maisy Mouse (google it). I was not offended, since the teeth are somewhat 'gator-y, and besides, I didn't know the thing I was drawing in the first place.

I thought she was growing disinterested when she asked me to erase Charlie and draw a picture of herself, Gracie. This subject, I knew what she looked like, but decided to draw a kitty cat instead just to get her reaction.

This Clifford drawing didn't come as quickly as the cat, since I wanted the drawing to actually resemble what she looked like in the costume. Also, she was sitting next to me and bumping my elbow. I did finish in a decent amount of time and with a decent amount of likeness. We both were satisfied with it I can assume, since she now hopped off the couch and plopped herself in her blue plush Tigger chair to catch the end of Sesame Street.
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